In celebration of Dia de Los Muertos and All Saints Day, Kris Seraphine-Oster’s November horoscopes feature a patron saint for each sign of the zodiac and an accompanying novena prayer.

It’s the perfect time to do some deep inner spiritual work along with a ritual for regular body movement, my darling Ram! Please put these sacred priorities into your schedule stat, before you get distracted and forget. Get your work schedule under control as well, especially if you’re a solopreneur with no set schedule, and tend to let those pleasure breaks slide off of your radar. Whatever new paradigms you want to set up in your day-to-day activities, start NOW. By the time you get into the new year, you’ll be feeling ready to soar. Need some motivation to get healthy and more grounded? Look to St. John of God, a Portuguese soldier turned health-care worker in Spain, for inspiration and support as you design your new life.
St John of God please pray for (State your intentions here).
Your charity has inspired many to follow in your footsteps, St. John. I thank God for your dedication to serving the poor and proclaiming the kingdom of God.
Please help me to respond to the needs of those most immediate in my life. Let my work speak to the greatness and generosity of God. Help me to step out of my comfort zone to do what God is calling me to do even when it may seem out of the ordinary or cost me the approval of my peers. Amen.
From the website https://www.praymorenovenas.com/st-john-of-god-novena

Beautiful Bull, this is the time of year to focus on intimate partnerships in love and business. Expect to be driven by your desires both in the bedroom and the boardroom. You’ll have energy aplenty for both this month!
If you’ve been feeling hopeless when it comes to finding amor that comes with soul-forging love making, you can count on St. Rita (the saint of impossible causes) to help you meet someone you resonate with spiritually and sexually. Don’t give up on your dreams before the miracle occurs; if you believe in yourself and in your deservingness, nothing can stop you from attracting the perfect soulmates for love and career.
O Holy Patroness of those in need, St. Rita, whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible, who for thy lavishness in granting favors hast been called the Advocate of the HOPELESS and even of the IMPOSSIBLE; Relying then upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we pray thee grant that (here mention your request).
From the website https://www.thecatholiccrusade.com/prayer-to-st-rita-for-impossible-cases-and-special-needs.html

You’re smokin’ hot these days Gemini! You have the magnetic vibes that everyone wants a piece of … although you will feel the urge for privacy so you can dive deep into your creativity and carnal desires. Find the balance between your public and private lives by spending time in nature, especially near water–you will find yourself flowing easily between your regular social butterfly busyness and private sensual, soulful explorations.
If you sense that you’ve lost pieces of yourself from traumas of the past, invoke the support of St. Anthony to help you refind and integrate those integral parts.
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
From website https://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=163

Celestial Crab, expand and explore the inner landscapes of your mind and soul this month through inspiring books, talks, teachers, and of course your favorite spiritual tools and practices. Writing, journaling, publishing, recording or filming your work are also highlighted for you.
Big, bold ideas along with healthy doses of faith and optimism will catapult you towards those dreams you’ve been putting off for far too long. You are ready! (Even if you feel like you’re not.)
Your guide, St. Hildegard von Bingen, was one of the most prolific mystics in history. She was an accomplished musician, composer, writer, philosopher, spiritual leader (abbess), healer, herbalist and poet. She is with you to help you share your gifts with the world.
Hildegard, patroness of composers and writers and so many others, pray for me. Pray for all of us. Help us to be radically receptive to God’s love and radiate it to the world through our work and our witness.
From website https://mcgrathblog.nd.edu/a-devotion-to-st-hildegard-of-bingen

Get ready to step into the limelight, Luminous Lion! The stars are aligning for all things work and career in the first 12 days of November so be sure you have a solid plan for what you want to show off to the world. You’ll be extra captivating too, so expect a lot of attention and accolades – and work it! This is your chance to get a major project or deal off the ground, so no slacking off until you’ve completed your masterpiece. Connect with your patron saint, Mary Magdalene, for the wisdom and words to place your life’s work on a firm foundation.
O lamp of the world and gleaming pearl, who by announcing Christ’s resurrection merited to become the “Apostle of the Apostles,” Mary Magdalen, be ever our loving advocate with God who has chosen you.
From the website https://www.knightsoftheholyeucharist.com/saint-mary-magdalene-prayer-download/

Dear Virgo, in the first two weeks of November, contemplate and meditate to revamp your dearest wishes and dreams for the next year … and beyond.
You have innovative ideas that will send ripples out through the masses as long as you are clear on your end goal. Use your unmatchable mind for details and planning to draft an iron-clad strategy for launching your next big thing (or things).
Archangel Michael will be at your side all month to help you have faith that miracles are natural. Believe in yourself and the power of your dreams.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend me in battle. Be my protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, I humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
From website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayer_to_Saint_Michael

Dear Libra, this is not the month to push your agendas, but rather surrender into healing, meditation, contemplation and prayer. Something lies beneath the surface of your consciousness and is waiting to be birthed. Keep a dream journal next to your bed and be open to dancing with the Shadow–that part of you that you have not been able to accept and integrate.
Seek out healers and mentors who can assist you in staying relaxed and calm. Get massages, reiki, acupuncture, hypnosis and/or any kind of intuitive readings that appeal to you (tarot, astrology, akashic records, channeling).
Archangel Raphael, whose name translates in Hebrew as “God Healed,” will assist you this month by sending the right people to help you heal.
O Raphael, lead us toward those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us: Raphael, Angel of happy meeting, lead us by the hand toward those we are looking for. May all our movements be guided by your Light and transfigured with your joy.
From website https://www.terpconnect.umd.edu/~payerle/writings/prayer-raphael.htm

Beloved Scorpio, this is your time. You are the ruler of the 8th house where the sun is now shining in tandem with the intense flares of the planet Mars, the co-ruler of your sign. You are extra powerful with both of these celestial bodies all month long. If you’re ready to step boldly into a new way of being, or start a new project or business, begin early on in November. Strike while the iron is extra hot! Everyone wants to bask in your warmth and light–with so many people vying for your precious attention, you’ll need extra time to yourself to relax and rejuvenate.
As the Queens and Kings of the mysteries, and like your symbolic allies The Scorpion, The Eagle and The Phoenix you can dive to the darkest, deepest depths, fly high above your realm and rebuild yourself in accordance with your new life goals and intentions.
With the guidance of your patron saint, St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland, you can transform lives through music, poetry and basically any of the art forms that fill your heart with joy. Light a red or purple candle for a stronger connection to St. Margaret so you can feel her inspiration and devotion flow through all that you create.
O blessed St. Margaret, you were able to do many miracles in your lifetime. Through your closeness to Jesus, you cured the sick and helped many others with their problems. Your presence was comforting and your counsel was sought by scholars. Your holiness led you into the hearts of many admirers, but you were always aware of your unworthiness. Your glory was your humility, and you managed to be an example of sanctity to many because of this virtue. Teach me to be humble so that I, too, may spread solace and peace among our brothers and sisters. Amen.
From the website https://www.stmargaretlfnj.org/novena-to-st-margaret

Hello Archer! The Sun and Mars jump start your areas of wealth, beauty and self-worth. Why not aim your idealistic, big dream arrows for more prosperity and abundance of beauty in your life? If you’ve been wanting to reinvent your look do it early in the month! Venus will go retrograde in December and you will want to steer clear of extreme haircut and color changes as well as any big cosmetic changes–definitely no cosmetic surgery next month!
Wishing for a raise or a new job or client to fill up that bank account of yours? The chances of attracting the attention of the perfect company or clients is high, so get out there and do your magic! And, with the help of Our Lady of Guadalupe, your prayers and wishes for expansion and prosperity will be answered in perfect timing.
O Virgin of Guadalupe,
Mother of the Americas,
grant to our homes the grace of loving
and respecting life in its beginnings,
with the same love with which
you conceived in your womb
the life of the Son of God.
Blessed Virgin Mary,
Mother of Fair Love,
protect our families so that
they may always be united
and bless the upbringing of our children.
– Pope John Paul II.
From the website http://www.liturgies.net/saints/mary/guadalupe/prayers.htm

Dear Cappy, your short distance travel wanderlust can take the form of road trips this month. Perhaps take along a sibling, or two, and create fun as you bond. November is also a great time for tooting your horn or hiring a great PR agent to do that for you. With the Mother of Perpetual Hope at the wheel, you’ll be hustling less and flowing with the joy of comradeship and support! As the Taoist saying goes, “We do without doing and everything gets done.”
O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke your most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. I thank God for having given you, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name.
From the website, https://www.nationalshrine.org/blog/the-tradition-of-our-mother-of-perpetual-help

Glorious Aqua, it’s time to feather your nest. Create more beauty and harmony at home this month by applying that inventive and unique eye of yours to choosing the perfect accent pieces … maybe even changing the color of your walls to enhance your mood and wellness. With St. Brigid at your side, your creativity will be off the charts this month. She is the keeper of the hearth fire – the heart of the home where all gathered for warmth and light. May you and your home be blessed with creativity and harmony.
Brigid, You were a woman of peace.
You brought harmony where there was conflict.
You brought light to the darkness. You brought hope to the downcast.
May the mantle of your peace cover those who are troubled and anxious,
and may peace be firmly rooted in our hearts and in our world.
Inspire us to act justly and to reverence all God has made.
Brigid you were a voice for the wounded and the weary.
Strengthen what is weak within us. Calm us into a quietness that heals and listens.
May we grow each day into greater wholeness in mind, body and spirit.
From the website, https://www.irishchaplaincy.org.uk/

Dear Pisces, you are in your element as you swim through sexy Scorpionic waters this month. Burning passion is the alchemical ingredient necessary to manifest the romance and FUN that you’ve been craving. As the visionary of the zodiac, tune into the frequencies of St. Bernadette to tap into your source of spiritual nourishment. Throw caution to the wind, take a romantic or creative risk and DREAM BIG. Laughter and lightness will bring you ultimate bliss.
St. Bernadette,
pure and simple child,
you who were privileged to
behold the beauty of
Mary Immaculate and to be
the recipient of her
confidence eighteen
times at Lourdes;
you who did desire from then
on to hide yourself in the
cloister of Nevers and there live
and die as a victim of sinners,
obtain for us that spirit of purity,
which will lead us also
to the glorious vision of God
and of Mary in Heaven. Amen.
From the website https://www.catholicfaithstore.com/daily-bread/prayers-saint-bernadette/
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