Deming Public Schools is committed to keeping our students in school with face-to-face
learning and we are required to follow all COVID-19 Safety protocols as published by the Governor’s Office,
the NM Department of Health, and NM Public Education Department.
Schools, buses, and classrooms are subject to closure for up to 14 days, if 4 or more confirmed positive
COVID-19 rapid response cases are present at a school site. Deming Public Schools has had several COVID-19
positive cases in our schools and we hope to avoid future school closures. To stop the spread and keep our
schools safe and open, we need your help.
How You Can Help:
• DO NOT send students to school if they are sick, even if it is allergies.
• If anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, do not send students to school for 10
days from the date of the positive test. Any questions on return to school date, please contact your
child’s school site.
• Wear a mask.
• Get a COVID-19 vaccine.
• Maintain social distancing.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are unavailable.
• Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces.
• Limit travel.
• Avoid large family or social gatherings.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
All students and staff will be required to wear a mask during the school day, regardless of vaccination
status, while inside the building and when riding the bus. Removal of masks is permitted for drinking
and/or eating.
Deming Public Schools requires all schools, staff, and students to follow COVID-19 Safe Practices guidelines
and procedures. COVID-19 updates, procedures, guidelines, and confirmed COVID-19 cases are available on
the district website www.demingps.org.
For information on the current health orders, go to the NM Department of Health website