Special Council Meeting Agenda
February 3, 2022, at 5:00 pm
Meeting via Google Meet : meet.google.com/gsg-vwpj-drv
Columbus, NM 88029
1. Call to Order, Pledge and Salute: Mayor Salas to commence meeting (At this time please silence your cell phones and any other electronic devices)
2. Roll Call: Mayor Esequiel Salas
Mayor Pro-Tem & Trustee Bill Johnson
Trustee Nicole S Steffen
Trustee Paulino Villegas
Trustee Rocio A. Sierra
3. Approval of January 26, 2022, special meeting agenda.
Motion and Vote
4. Discussion of Engineer agreement between VOC and Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects, to perform professional engineering services of the Land Port of Entry Facultative Pond.
5. Approval of resolution 2021-52 for a budget adjustment of $6,000 from the Water fund to the Streets department fund to cover equipment and road maintenance expenses.
Motion and Vote
6. Approval of resolution 2021-53 for a budget transfer of 100,700 from the Water fund to the ambulance department fund to fund operating expenses.
Motion and Vote
7. Approval of resolution 2021-54 for a budget transfer of $270,000 from the Water fund to the General department fund for operating expenses.
Motion and Vote
8. Approval of resolution 2021-55 for a budget adjustment of $35,794 from the finance department to the water department for salary expenses.
Motion and Vote
9. Approval of resolution 2021-56 for a total budget decrease in salaries of $17,073 is necessary in the Parks and Streets departments for changes in employee positions.
Motion and Vote
10. Public Comment; two minutes maximum per person.
11. Trustee Comments:
12. Mayor Comments:
13. Next regular meeting date: 02/16/2022 at 5:00 PM
14. Motion to adjourn: