Vaccinate Your Pets

by | Apr 25, 2020

“A recent outbreak of distemper virus is making the rounds. Vaccinating your pets and keeping them up to date will help avoid the spread and devastating losses this heartbreaking disease can cause.

Deming Animal Guardians has requested funding from several sources to offer discounted vaccinations and is now offering assistance with the cost of Distemper/Parvo vaccinations for dogs when a discount spay/neuter coupon is issued and utilized. Luna County residents can call Robyn at 575-546-9711 to see if they are eligible. The cost for the vaccination is just $3 while funding lasts.

Canine Distemper is caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory system causing nasal discharge and coughing, gastrointestinal system causing vomiting and diarrhea, and the nervous system causing tremors and seizures. Puppies are at highest risk but it can also affect adult dogs and ferrets. It can also be found in wildlife Canine Distemper does not affect cats. It is most often spread through airborne exposure (sneezing and coughing) from an infected dog, but can also be transmitted through shared food, water bowls, and equipment.

Unfortunately, infected dogs can shed the virus for months and pregnant dogs can pass the virus to their unborn puppies. It is contagious and very serious. Distemper is often fatal. There is no cure. Dogs that survive usually have permanent nervous system damage.

Vaccination is crucial in preventing Canine Distemper. Avoid gaps in the immunization schedule and make sure distemper vaccinations are up to date. Use caution when socializing puppies or unvaccinated dogs at parks, puppy and obedience classes, doggy daycare and other places where dogs can congregate.

For more information, go to and search Canine Distemper.”

Sherry McDaniel, Deming, NM

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